The posts…
Feet in slippers
Tonight I drew a quick sketch of my feet. In slippers, because although it’s still August my feet get chilly in the evening! I still reach for my trusty Lamy safari fountain pen for a quick sketch, even though I put brown ink in it. I thought the fude nib pen with black ink would…
Knitting Notions
I didn’t get back to painting today. I was trying to finish a jumper I’ve been knitting. So instead I drew my knitting notions. Looks like I’ve misplaced a needle, most of my stitch markers are in use, and I need to restock my waste yarn!
Saving the dead dinosaurs
I have lots of things I could blog about, like a new electric car, a work trip to Costa Rica, the StaffPlus conference I attended last week, or maybe trying to take the tip off my index finger (would absolutely not recommend). But I’m really excited right now in the most middle aged way because…
in House -
Meet-up sock knitting
A quick sketch of the socks I’ve been knitting during this meet-up. I got the stripes wrong, but I’ll know which ones they are. I don’t think I’ve got quite enough knitted texture on this, but I’m not quite sure where that balance point is. Maybe I’ll try some more when I get home.
Florida 2024
Florida holiday 2024, this time with added flight complications!
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Cornerstone Beginners’ Painting Course
I’ve been posting my daily (ish) drawing stuff, and the main blog posts have dropped right off. But I recently finished a 10 week Learn to Paint beginners’ course at the Cornerstone Arts Centre in Didcot, and I thought I’d just write down some thoughts about it all while it was fresh. It has been…
in General -
Thought I’d try drawing my other hobby. I get strong vertical vibes off my knitting, but it looked a bit pin stripe. Not sure I got the texture quite right. It would take nearly as long to draw it all as to knit it though, so I guess this will have to do for now.
All the pens
The first 16 of my Inktober drawings were done with my blue Lamy Safari (medium nib), but I’ve been itching to try some other nibs and pens. I hold my pen slightly oddly – I rest it on my ring finger on my right hand, not my middle finger – and the shape of the…
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Daily drawing challenge
In 2023 I have been using the Happier App to do a daily challenge called ‘Go Outside 23 in 23‘. I ended up with 275 entries out of 365 possible, which isn’t too terrible. I used the photo log which was literally just a photo. So I reached the end of the year and I…
in General -
2023 Makes Round-up
I’ve been making things, particularly recently, and just not getting round to blogging them. So I’m going to just do a quick round-up post so I get them on record! First up, the cushions that I bought when I bought my first house back in 2002 (I think?) finally gave up the ghost. They were…
in Sewing